Playtest 1

The First playtest 

When we had the game in a playable state we decided to do a playtest to find bugs and improve areas that were lacking.

We had  14 different people with varying skill levels in platformers and they found many bugs and issue with the game. But we also found what parts the testers loved and enjoyed most about the game. These were our results.


Sometimes created a new checkpoint 

Teleporting eggs still works after you die

Wall climbing with egg spamming 

Some walls and be teleported through

The first level was too hard for experienced platformers

The potion did respawn on the final level 

Many of these bugs were complex to fix and through trial and error, most were sorted by the week's end.  Although these bugs were fixed as more assets and code are introduced to increase enjoyment many more bugs will arrive but after this test, they are far easier to see coming and iron out before the next test.


The game felt smooth and engaging

Speed up and downs keep it fun x 3

Egg teleport is unique 

Found the puzzles exciting and challenging 

Loved the background

The fun twist with potions and different platforms

Get better the more you play it

These positives really help with motivation, when testing a game you have worked on hearing negatives only can bring you down lucky we had a few positives to focus on when pushing the game further.


egg felt weak

aiming felt off x3

The mouse shouldn't be visible

Indicate where to go with an arrow or level design

The first level to hard for experienced platformers

Possible different jump strength

 No description of what everything does

Art felt disconnected Characters vs background

More Animations

Fox to fast

Yellow dots are not visible or forgiving enough

Timers not clear

Make hazards more obvious

These were not bugs per say but issues people had or things they wanted to be changed, when looking at these we had to really talk amongst each other to understand what we wanted to change and what not to. We also wanted to incorporate some of these to test to see if they work well or not.

Post by Patrick

Get Hangry Chicken

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