Code Updates

This week, Patrick has been working on some of the main mechanics we previously had and introducing some newer ideas.  By including more unique mechanics, we believe that it would fit better with our current vision for our game Hangry Chicken. 

Patrick's goal was to create an egg shooting guide script so that the Player is able to know exactly where the egg would land. Another script was to think about simplifying the base movement for Nugget the Chicken, who had a double jump prior to this update. By removing the double jump mechanic, the Player has to rely on the egg shooting mechanic rather than misusing the double jump to obtain rewards easier without a challenge.  

For the newer features, we have decided to include a Checkpoint located somewhere in the middle of a level as we believed that restarting the level was too harsh to the Player as well as unfortunately encouraging them to rage quit.  Once Nugget the Chicken passes the checkpoint the Player is able to respawn to the said location of the checkpoint.

The gravity for Nugget the Chicken can be slowed down with a specific key as Nugget would drop down too fast.  At the moment the Player can press a key a hold to slow the drop fall. 

We also included a bouncy platform where the momentum would be based on  where the player is located. The bouncy platform acts similar to a slime block in Minecraft where the higher you jump from, the Player can bounce higher. 

Brodie has been working on the camera following script and has been experimenting whether the script will work or not  as seen below.  

 However in this image below Brodie is currently having issues with these two codes are clashing with each other and working on it now. 

Hope we can overcome these issues and see you next update! 

Post Made by Louise & Patrick

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