Main Menu Animation and Level Design

Hey friends!

We are excited to say in this week's posts that our team Chmkn has four updated levels now!! The first one is a Tutorial level which explains how to play our game by exploring all the mechanics the Player can do as Nugget.  Level One  does have an incorrect background but still clear on where the Player needs to go to proceed to the next level. 

Tutorial Level Design By Patrick & Elliot

Level One

Farm Level Design By Patrick & Elliot

Forrest Level Design By Patrick & Elliot

Desert Level Design By: Patrick & Elliot

Elliot has completed our two enemies the Snake and the Fox with a different variant based on the level the Player is currently on.  The vibrant colours are meant to stand out from the background so the Player is aware that these creatures are threats. 

Snake Design By Elliot

Fox Design By Elliot

Louise has been working on completing the main menu animation and is nearly done. She has added some colours and a few items on the table to really add to the fantasy magic theme. The idea was to have the 'Play' and 'Quit' options fade in once the storybook has fully opened. After selecting an option the page will fade to act as a transition into the actual gameplay. 

Woolin has been using the program Unity to experiment with different effects that will match certain things. The feather bunch would be if Nugget collided with an enemy and dies. Our original idea for the death animation effect was that Nugget was going to turn into a bucket of drumsticks, however not particular kid friendly as funny as it would have been. Other effects into red and blue sparkles for our potions and also to highlight the green poison projectile the Snake shoots. 

" After researching different styles of particle effects, I believe that going for a more simplistic magic cartoony style would suit our art style rather than a sci-fi teleport effect. A fancier particle effect can take longer to animate and potentially not be noticeable enough in comparison to the background. Combining a cartoon-style effect and a sparkle particle effect ( similar to fireworks ) would definitely be bold enough to stand out." -  Art Lead Woolin 

Pretty big update for this week but let us know what you guys think in the comments below :)

Post Made by Louise

Get Hangry Chicken

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